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     After graduating high school in 1977, I went to work with my dad at the southwest Philadelphia wastewater treatment plant.  There I was a cement mason apprentice working for Daniel J Keating.

     In 1979 I went to work with my father in law at Kirk Bros. Mechanical Contracting.   Joining my general contracting knowledge with Kirk Bros. Mechanical operation made us able to bid water and sewage pumping stations.  In 1981 we were successful with my bid on our first sewage treatment plant in Warrington, PA. 

     Since that time completing hundreds of similar jobs in the water and waste water industry.  Assembling over 20 clarifiers and countless other systems, from the headworks to the effluent water filtration with ultra violet or chlorine disinfection.

     Most often the new plant is built on an adjacent footprint.  This enables the existing plant to process until the new is ready.  Then the old plant is partially demolished and refitted with new equipment.  Engineers and owners have been very happy with my ability to foresee issues and find solutions for them before they became problems.  Owners have often asked me to take a look at chronic problems they have at other facilities to find solutions.


Recent Projects


Asbury Park STP Odor Control Facility - Superintendent - 8 million dollar project


North Brunswick WTP - - Superintendent -  17 million dollar project


Wilmington - Hoopes Reservoir and  Cool Springs Reservoir - Punch list and close out project


Coatesville WWTP - Mechanical Foreman - 50 million dollar project


Reading - Maiden Creek WTP - Superintendent/Foreman -  4 million dollar project


Aqua America Water - Mechanical Foreman - Pickering WTP, Perkiomen PS, Bubbling Springs PS, Pickering Chemical Building, Upper Merion WTP


Aqua Green Lane Dam valve replacement


Wilmington - Raw water pump installation  - 15 million dollar WTP


Stroudsburg WWTP - Mechanical Foreman phase 2 - Punch list and close out on 25 million dollar project


Lebanon WWTP - Punch list and close out on 39 million dollar project



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